Bangkok Flight Information

This Cathay Pacific flight departing from LAX arrives midday in Bangkok with a brief stopover in Hong Kong.

 Tue 16-Jan-02


7241 mi
15hr 25mn

Los Angeles (LAX)
Depart 11:30 PM


Hong Kong (HKG)
Arrive 6:55 AM
+2 days


Cathay Pacific
Flight: 883

Economy/Coach Class, Dinner, Boeing 747-400



1049 mi
2hr 45mn

Hong Kong (HKG)
Depart 8:55 AM


Bangkok (BKK)
Arrive 10:40 AM


Cathay Pacific
Flight: 713

Economy/Coach Class, Breakfast, Boeing 777



Total miles: 8290 mi
Total flight time: 18hr 10mn (21hr 10mn with connections)


 Fri 1-Feb-02


1049 mi
3hr 0mn

Bangkok (BKK)
Depart 9:10 AM


Hong Kong (HKG)
Arrive 1:10 PM


Cathay Pacific
Flight: 708

Economy/Coach Class, Lunch, Airbus A330



7241 mi
12hr 25mn

Hong Kong (HKG)
Depart 3:25 PM


Los Angeles (LAX)
Arrive 11:50 AM


Cathay Pacific
Flight: 882

Economy/Coach Class, Dinner, Boeing 747-400



Total miles: 8290 mi
Total flight time: 15hr 25mn (16hr 40mn with connections)

For other routing options see:
Cathay Pacific's Bangkok to Hong Kong Timetable

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